the early 1970’s the Asian carp were transported to the United States to help
regulate wastewater treatment facilities to keep them clean from any growth
that may occur. Due to flooding in the southern states in the 1990’s, the Asian
carp were able to escape from these disconnected areas and were introduced to
the Mississippi, Missouri, and Illinois rivers (You
Are Here DNR Fishing). Since then, these fishes have been destructive to
the ecosystem and cause negative repercussions to these water systems. The
Asian carp could create ecological, economic, and human concerns if introduced
into the Lake Erie. To mitigate these results from spreading, many measures
have been implemented between different bodies of water to prevent the spread
of the Asian carp.
invasive “Asian Carp” group consists of bighead carp, black carp, grass carp,
silver carp, and large-scale silver carp. These species are known as filter
feeders, which primarily have a diet of plankton that consist of microscopic
plants and animals (You Are Here DNR Fishing).
These fishes are able to weigh around thirty to forty pounds and can eat 5 to
20 percent of their body weight everyday (Asian
Carp Response). These fish could have a negative impact on an ecosystem
like lake Erie could disturb the local ecology. Their consumption of the
plankton can and has wiped out a very imperative step of the food web that is
needed for small fishes and other native fish. While the Asian carp is an
invasive group, some say that their filter feeding could actually increase
other species of fishes in the lake (Zhang et al). The University of Michigan
released a study that stated that if the Asian carp were introduced than there
would be a decrease in walleye, rainbow trout, gizzard shad and emerald
shiners, but there would be an increase of small mouth bass, upwards of 16% (Zhang
et al).
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Diagnostic characteristics of Bighead Carp and Silver Carp. Source |
The Great Lake states heavily rely on the fishing industry and if the Asian carp
are introduced, there could be a great financial burden placed on local
fisheries, travel and tourism companies, and restaurants. Around 65 million
pounds of fish are pulled out of the great lakes each year (About Our Great Lakes: Economy). This seven
billion dollar industry relies on the 250 species of fishes that include
whitefish, walleye, salmon, lake trout, and bass. The lakes also pull in around four billion
dollars in the sports fishing industry, recreation, and tourism. If the Asian
carp were introduced to Lake Erie, the great lakes communities could see a
decrease in annual income (About Our Great Lakes:
Economy). Silver carp and bighead carp are also known for their ability
to leap out of the water. In the
Illinois River, these carp will jump out of the water when motorboats disturb
them. When the forty-pound fish jump they can do tremendous damage to boats and
even cause harm to people (You Are Here DNR
Fishing). While this could be humorous at first, it is a huge safety
proposals have been discussed to prevent the introduction of the Asian carp
into the Great lakes. One of these is the use of hydrologic separation between
the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River, and Chicago waterways. The hydrologic
system is estimated to keep 95-100 percent of the Asian carp out of the great
lakes. This system seams great but it would come with an $18 billion price tag
and take upwards of twenty-five years to complete. Another, less expensive
option would be to use an electric barrier (Foley 2014). The electric system has
85-95 percent effectiveness on keeping the Asian carp at bay (Foley 2014). This
is currently the system that is being used in most areas and has done a decent
job, but Asian carp DNA has been found past these barriers and very close to
the lakes (Cuddington et al). The last system that is being discussed is the
use of physical prevention, which would combine different deterrence such as
strobe lights, sounds, and bubbles. The only problem is that this barrier is
expected to keep out only a 75-95 percent of the Asian carp. The options that
could be implemented are still on debate while the Asian carp are moving
further towards the lakes (Foley 2014).
Overall it seems like the
introduction of the Asian carp will lead to a negative out come through the
influences that it will have different ecological, economic, and hum
interactions. While the migration of Asian carp to the Great Lakes seems
inevitable, steps to mitigate the effects are in the works. With new
information hopefully government agencies, local communities, and new
ichthyologist can create a system where the native species can thrive and the
Asian carps effects are lessened to Lake Erie and the other Great Lakes.
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Lake Erie food web with Asian Carp. Source NOAA GLERL |
"About Our Great Lakes: Economy."
About Our Great Lakes -Economy- NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab
(GLERL). Accessed April 19, 2016.
"Asian Carp Response in the
Midwest." Frequently Asked Questions. Accessed April 19, 2016.
Cuddington, K., W. J. S. Currie, and M. A.
Koops. "Could an Asian Carp Population Establish in the Great Lakes from a
Small Introduction?" Biol Invasions Biological Invasions 16, no. 4
(2013): 903-17. doi:10.1007/s10530-013-0547-3.
Foley, James A. "Asian Carp Invasion
Barriers Evaluated in New Great Lakes Study." Nature World News RSS. 2014.
Accessed April 19, 2016.
"You Are Here DNR Fishing, Fishing in
Michigan." DNR. Accessed April 21, 2016.,4570,7-153-10364_52261_54896-232231--,00.html.
H., E. S. Rutherford, D. M. Mason, J. T. Breck, M. E. Wittmann, R. M. Cooke, D.
M. Lodge, J. D. Rothlisberger, X. Zhu, and T. B. Johnson. 2015. Forecasting the impacts of Silver and Bighead Carp on the Lake Erie food web. Transactions of
the American Fisheries Society 145(1):136–162.
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