pirate perch isn’t a pirate and it isn’t a perch, but it may be a ghost. The
pirate perch (Aphredoderus sayanus) is a fish that lives throughout much of the
southern United States and Mississippi drainage. The pirate perch is a
monotypic family, sayanus being the only species. Page and Burr describe the
species having: a short deep body often 3-4 in long, large head, large mouth,
anus and urogenital opening between branchiostegal membranes(Page
and Burr 2010)(fig 1). The pirate perch lives in
backwaters and swampy areas, often around vegetation and over mud bottom.
Pirate perch are prey for birds, fish, and water snakes. In order to avoid
predation pirate perch often stay close to woody debris for protection and are
nocturnal to help avoid site based predators. The pirate perch in turn feed on
primarily small freshwater shrimp and insect larvae but are generalist feeders (McCallum
2012). Pirate perch also use a form of
chemical camouflage/ chemical deception to potentially avoid predation and enhance
predation on chemical sensitive prey (Resetarits
and Binckley 2013).
You may
be asking yourself, “What is this chemical camouflage?” In the case of pirate perch, the mechanism of
camouflage isn’t exactly known, however, it is believed that pirate perch have
evolved it as a novel way of hiding from prey. Dr. Resetarits explored the
capabilities of chemical camouflage in pirate perch using artificial ponds in
which pirate perch were put in adjacent ponds with sunfish and ponds without
fish as a control. Dr. Resetarits found that beetles and tree frogs both
actively avoided ponds with sunfish, but no significant difference between
pirate perch ponds and controls were observed (Binckley
and Resetarits Jr. 2003; Resetarits and Pintar 2016). Resetarists proposed three
possible mechanisms for this camouflage: Distorted or mixed signals, mimicry of a non-threatening
organism, or simple cloaking and lack of signal. I will explore each of these
methods, and together we will try and uncover the ghost of the fish.
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Figure 1. Aphredoderus sayanaus Image Credit: Ellen Edmonson and Hugh Chrisp |
mimicry of a nonthreatening organism. This method is used often in nature as a
defense against predators. Some familiar mimics may include coral snake/milk
snakes and stick bugs. This mimicry is used as a defense against predators to
either hide in plain site or imitate a dangerous organism. There are also
aggressive forms of mimicry like freshwater mussels whom lure fish in with
their mantles
shaped like small fish and
insects in order to inoculate them with young. Parasites are also well known to
use mimicry to trick hosts into eating them. If pirate perch utilized this
method it would be likely that they are mimicking something that is either not
a fish or as a nonthreatening fish, like a sucker or non-insectivorous fish. I
believe mimicry to be the least likely of the three proposed but also one of
the hardest to prove. Some potential issues are if mimicry is the mechanism
used, what are the pirate perch mimicking and how does that mimicry deceive
different types of prey items.
third and final mechanisms is cloaking of the chemical signal. This mechanism
would insinuate that the pirate perch has evolved to not exhibit the chemical
markers that other fish have. This method is also very probable as the true
mechanism of pirate perch’s chemical camouflage. This is probable due to
evolution being easier for pirate perch to lose their chemical signature or
produce a chemical signature that that doesn’t bind or respond to the normal
receptors. Also, being a monotypic species it is possible that lacking chemical
signatures has been an ancestral trait that only survives in the pirate perch.
conclusion, I believe that out of the three methods it is most likely that the
pirate perch achieves chemical camouflage using distorted or mixed signals. I
support this belief based on Resetarits’s findings with beetles and tree frogs.
Also, It is unlikely that beetles and tree frogs receive signals in the exact
same way, this makes me believe that a distorted signal is more likely then
cloaking which may not be effective on all types of organisms. In addition, it
is also possible that the mechanism used by pirate perch may not fit neatly
into one of these three categories. Rather, the mechanism is a little bit of
two or all three mechanisms. This could be achieved by distortion of the
chemical signal that may be sensed more like some other organism.
Alternatively, it also could be distortion to the point that the sense is
overwhelmed and essentially cloaking has occurred. These questions cannot be
answered with the current knowledge of the pirate perch. This mechanism, which
potentially represents a new evolution in the predator-prey arms race. The
pirate perch will no doubt be a subject of returning research as the
ichthyology community begins to unravel the mysteries of the pirate perch and
its chemical camouflage.
Christopher A., and William J. Resetarits Jr. 2003. “Functional Equivalence of
Non-Lethal Effects: Generalized Fish Avoidance Determines Distribution of Gray
Treefrog, Hyla Chrysoscelis, Larvae.” Oikos 102(3): 623–29.
McCallum, Malcolm L.
2012. “Notes on the Diet and Egg Clutches of the Pirate Perch (Aphredoderus
Sayanus) from Central Arkansas.” Southeastern Naturalist 11(3): 543–45.
Page, Lawrence M., and
Brooks M. Burr. 2010. A Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes: North America,
North of Mexico. Second. Boston; New York: Houghton Mifflin.Print.
Resetarits, William J.,
and Christopher A. Binckley. 2013. “Is the Pirate Really a Ghost? Evidence for
Generalized Chemical Camouflage in an Aquatic Predator, Pirate Perch Aphredoderus
Sayanus.” The American Naturalist 181(5): 690–99.
Resetarits, William J.,
and Matthew R. Pintar. 2016. “Functional Diversity of Non-Lethal Effects,
Chemical Camouflage, and Variation in Fish Avoidance in Colonizing
Beetles.” Ecology 97(12): 3517–29.
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