the many invasive fishes, one of the best-studied invasive fish is the parasitic Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus).
Sea Lamprey is the subject of many
vertebrate anatomy labs because they represent a morphologically simple
fish. The Sea Lamprey skeleton is
cartilaginous, and they lack jaws, scales, and paired fins. Sea Lamprey have two closely spaced dorsal
fins, functional eyes, and seven gill openings.
The mouth of this blood-sucking parasite is most unique. Sea Lamprey have a circular oral disc with circular
rows of sharp, curved teeth and file-like tongue. After latching on to a large-bodied fish, the
Sea Lamprey uses its teeth to rasp through the skin and feed on the blood. The host
may die directly from loss of fluids or indirectly from infections of the
wound. If the host fish survives, it may
be attacked again by another feeding Sea Lamprey. The Sea Lamprey is an
anadromous species native to the North Atlantic Ocean; they breed in rivers in
Europe and North America from Newfoundland to Florida. Sea Lamprey are in the order, Petromyzontiformes,
which encompasses forty known species of lampreys worldwide. However, landlocked
populations in the Great Lakes have gotten most attention by scientists and
anglers, who have crafted the narrative of invader to control at all costs.
Sea lamprey adult. Photo by Oskar
Sindri Gislason |
Lamprey were a major, or final, cause of the collapse of major commercial
fisheries for Lake Trout Salvelinus
namaycush, several Whitefishes Coregonus
spp., Burbot Lota lota, and Walleye Sander vitreus in the 1940s and
1950s. Because the Sea Lamprey reduced
populations of these large piscivorous fishes, the next invasive fish to
arrive, the Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus,
quickly become the dominant prey fish in Lakes Ontario, Huron, and Michigan. The expansion of the Alewife led to introduction
of trout and salmonine fishes in 1968 and creation of new multi-million dollar
recreational fisheries. That management
controversy is a subject for another essay (Kitchell and Sass 2008; O’Gorman et
al. 2013).
Sea Lamprey oral disc. Photo by Cory Genovese |
and persistent control efforts to reduce abundance of Sea Lamprey began in Lake
Superior and spread eastward so that lamprey control in Lake Ontario began in 1971
and suppression was not evident until 1988. Current control relies primarily on stream
application of two lampricides, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (don't you love organic chemistry now?), or more simply
TFM, and Bayluscide. TFM and Bayluscide
are applied to kill larval Sea Lampreys before they metamorphose and emigrate
from spawning streams. Other control
techniques include harvest of adults via trapping, and low-head barriers built
to reduce the amount of stream habitats that need to be treated with TFM. For more background, view this video Silent Invaders. Along with effective Sea Lamprey control
efforts, harvest controls, stocking, and restoration have also increased abundance
of large-bodied fishes, which are hosts for Sea Lamprey. If they did not have
such large economic effects, basic questions on the species would not have been
addressed. Consequently, we know a lot
about the Sea Lamprey, certainly more than any other lamprey in the world.
conventional wisdom always held that the Sea Lampreys first entered the Great
Lakes in the 1800s through the man-made locks and shipping canals around Niagara
Falls. Niagara Falls was a natural
barrier to Sea Lamprey migration above Lake Ontario. Completion of Erie Canal provided access to
from the Hudson River to Lake Erie. Modification of Welland Canal in 1919
provided access between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Consequently, Sea Lamprey
first appeared in Lake Erie in 1921, and subsequently were documented in Lake
Michigan (1936), Lake Huron (1937), and Lake Superior (1946). But what about
the status of Sea Lampreys in Lake Ontario? Recent DNA analyses supports hypothesis that Sea
Lamprey are indigenous to Lake Ontario and introduced in other Great Lakes
(Waldman et al. 2004, 2006). Unique alleles found in Lake Ontario, but absent
in the Atlantic coast collections, would have taken many thousands of years to
develop (Waldman et al. 2009). It is
likely that the populations of Sea Lamprey in Lake Ontario and its tributaries,
the Finger Lakes, and Lake Champlain once represented relict populations from
the last Pleistocene glaciation.
of the emergence of the Sea Lamprey and their economic impacts in the upper
Great Lakes, much has been learned about the Sea Lamprey. How
they locate their spawning grounds? How
do they locate mates? The key is
chemical, or pheromone-based communication.
Larvae, or ammocetes, and adult males produce and release unique bile
acids. Adults have a small nasal opening
at the top of the head and can detect these bile acids at picomolar concentrations
(Li et al. 1995; Li et al. 2002). These finding led to the hypothesis that the bile
acid compounds serve as pheromones. Controlled behavioral tests supported the
hypothesis that the pheromones released by larvae and transported downstream
and serve to direct the migration of adults females (Bjerselius et al. 2000;
Sorensen and Vreize 2003; Sorensen and Stacy 2004). This research supports the evolutionary role
that pheromones have played as chemical cues to the suitability of spawning and
rearing habitat for the Sea Lamprey. This research also paved the way to
consider another approach to Sea Lamprey control. Migratory Sea Lamprey rely heavily on
olfactory cues to locate river mouths and direct their upstream movement within
rivers (Vrieze et al. 2010). Pheromones could be used to divert migratory
Sea Lamprey to tributaries where they may be trapped, poisoned, or
sterilized. Note the large olfactory
bulbs in the lamprey brain image below.
Sea lamprey brain after R.H. Burne |
anadromous fishes use olfactory cues to return to their natal home for
spawning. Fish, such as Atlantic Sturgeon, Atlantic Salmon and Striped Bass,
show significant differences in haplotype frequencies among rivers. However, the Sea Lamprey do not return to
their natal streams for spawning. As
parasites, the tendency for a regular migration circuit and return to a home
river is problematic as their host fishes may disperse the parasite
widely. When adults reach maturity they
quit feeding and need to find a suitable river for breeding. Waldman et al. (2008) collected fin clips
from Sea Lamprey from eleven Atlantic Slope rivers. Examination of haplotype frequencies from
mitochondrial DNA confirmed a very low variation among river collection sites. Therefore,
the Sea Lamprey regularly inter-breed among rivers and demonstrate a regional
panmixia and not homing (Waldman et al. 2008).
this knowledge, can we control the invasive Sea Lamprey more effectively? In theory, yes. Trapping alone in the absence of lampricides
is not sufficient to control Sea Lamprey populations (Holbrook et al.
2016). However, research is underway now
to evaluate strategies to integrate multiple control strategies. One
technique releases large numbers of sterile males in an attempt to thwart
successful reproduction. These sterile
males still produce sperm, but that sperm is genetically damaged, thereby
reducing the number of viable embryos via lethal mutations. Sterile release strategies, first tested in
the early 1990s in the St Mary’s River, reduced survival of embryos in nests by
half (Bravener and Twohey 2016). The graph below supports the significant
effect that proportion of sterile males observed on nests had on the mean
embryo viability of all nests.
Plot of embryo viability and proportion of sterile males on nests (Bravener and Twohey 2016).
solid line represents the theoretical relationship under a baseline embryo
viability of 43.4%. The dashed line represents the line of best fit to the 14
data points.
technique uses pheromones to disrupt migrations or attract spawners to areas
where sterile males are released and/or where spawning adults may be more
effectively trapped. The pheromone
compound can now be synthesized, which makes the technique operational. The pheromone compound is 7α, 12α, 24-trihydroxy-3-one-5α-cholan-24-sulfate
(don’t you love organic chemistry?), or more simply 3k PZS (Li et al. 2012). Costs to synthesize 3k PZS have decreased
substantially in the last ten years (Johnson et al. 2013). Dawson et al. (2016)
evaluated strategies for pheromone-baited trapping by calculated expected
control and their costs. The findings
support combining lampricides and pheromone-baited trapping technologies at
comparable costs.
Sea Lamprey wound on Steelhead. Photo by
Boris Kitevski source |
the basic research on the Sea Lamprey has great potential to make control
efforts more cost effective, costs will continue into the future. The current management strategy for some
Great Lakes fisheries depends on a strategy of stocking piscivores to drive
down populations of the invasive Alewife and Rainbow Smelt and thereby reduce
competition and predation effects of these invaders. This strategy works, however, the net effect
is more large-bodied fishes that serve as hosts for the parasitic Sea
Lamprey. Stocking piscivores provides
more food for Sea Lamprey and leads to competition among salmon, lake trout,
and burbot. In addition, other
invasives, including Zebra Mussel, Quagga mussels, Round Goby, and Tubenose
Goby will most certainly complicate the future of Great Lakes fisheries. There is no simple solution to living with
invasive fishes. In closing, remember that
where you stand regarding the Sea Lamprey depends on where you sit. The Sea Lamprey in its native range do not
drive down abundance of large bodied fishes. Rather than a scourge, they play
important roles. In tributaries they are
ecosystem engineers, creating patches of deep, rocky, and swift water next to
deep, slow, and sandy habitat patches, as well as higher density of benthic
invertebrates (Hogg et al. 2014).
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